Get the front end web shop application
The online web shop frontend application is a source project you can download and build from scratch.
Get the project in one of the two following ways:
$ git clone
Download and unzip
Building front end web shop application
Next step is to build the front end for your web shop. If you used the
git clone
option to get the code project:
$ cd rhdm-retail-webshop-frontend-repo
If you used the
option to get the project code:
$ cd rhdm-retail-webshop-frontend-repo-master
Finally, build using:
$ mvn clean install
A common build error
If you try and build this project before you build and deploy the rules project for the
web shop in the Decision Central tooling, you might see the following error results. The
initial build creates a kjar file in your local maven repository, by not building in
Decision Central it's missing:
Could not resolve dependencies for project com.redhat:webstore-demo:war:3.0.0-FINAL:
Failed to collect dependencies at com.redhat.demo.retail:retail-webshop:jar:LATEST:
Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.redhat.demo.retail:retail-webshop:jar:LATEST:
Failed to resolve version for com.redhat.demo.retail:retail-webshop:jar:LATEST:
Could not find metadata com.redhat.demo.retail :retail-webshop/maven-metadata.xml in
local (/home/erics/.m2/repository)
Failed to resolve version for com.redhat.demo.retail:retail-webshop:jar:LATEST:
Could not find metadata com.redhat.demo.retail:retail-webshop/maven-metadata.xml in
local (/home/erics/.m2/repository)
SOLUTION: Be sure to DEPLOY (not just BUILD) your rules project from Decision Central to add the
resulting kjar to your local maven repository.
Build directory deployable artifact
After the build finishes, you'll find a new target
directory with the deployable artifact
labeled webstore-demo.war
Copy front end application to server
To deploy the built web shop application, copy it to the application server
deployments directory as follows:
$ cp target/webstore-demo.war [path-to-project-root]/target/jboss-eap-7.3/standalone/deployments/
Start the server and verify
If you watch the server log during server start up from the console, you'll notice the
application kicks off with 'Starting deployment...':
17:15:38,486 INFO [] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 2) WFLYDR0001: Content added at location rhdm-install-demo/target/jboss-eap-7.3/standalone/data/content/be/29fc6a90596/content
17:15:38,488 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-6) WFLYSRV0027: Starting deployment of "webstore-demo.war" (runtime-name: "webstore-demo.war")
Front end application deployed
The server log should show the deployment of your web shop application end with
something like this:
17:15:42,220 INFO [com.vaadin.cdi.internal.ContextDeployer] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 98) Mapping VaadinServlet to /*
17:15:42,220 INFO [com.vaadin.cdi.internal.ContextDeployer] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 98) Done deploying Vaadin UIs
17:15:42,221 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] WFLYUT0021: Registered web context: '/webstore-demo' for server 'default-server'
17:15:42,231 INFO [] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 2) WFLYSRV0010: Deployed "webstore-demo.war" (runtime-name : "webstore-demo.war")
Demo Web Shop - Verify shipping costs
We'll demo a shopper using the shopping cart and the shipping values being
calculated by the decision table we created:
- select
Forge Laptop Sticker
and click ADD TO CART
- shipping is
, cart total is 8.50 + 2.99 = 11.49
Demo Web Shop - Change shipping table
Now go back and change the shipping table value for tier 1:
- login and open the guided decision table
Shipping Rules
- change
Shipping Tier 1 Shipping Total
value to 22.99
(we're trying to discourage small purchases)
Demo Web Shop - Settings rules deployment
Now we are going to deploy the rules with a new version (change rules without having to
redeploy the web front end application):
- save the rule
- open settings tab for project
- bump up the
Version: 1.0.1
Demo Web Shop - Deploy modified rules
Deploy the new version of your rules project:
- click the
button and wait for green conformation pop-up
- check the server log, we're looking for the
from your
application to pick up the new version of your rules you just deployed:
19:35:56,968 INFO [org.kie.api.builder.KieScanner] (Timer-2) The
following artifacts have been updated: {com.redhat.demo.retail:retail-webshop:1.0.0=com.redhat.
Demo Web Shop - Shopping with new shipping
Now let's see if the new rules are in effect without re-deploying our application,
the shopping cart and re-run scenario:
- select
Forge Laptop Sticker
and click ADD TO CART
- shipping is
, cart total is 8.50 + 22.99 = 31.49
Demo Web Shop - What did we learn?
You've now seen a rules project deployed, the rules used from a front end application that
you deployed successfully. You've tested the shipping price for the first tier and verified
it works. Then you've updated the rules (shipping first tier) and deployed that new rule set,
accessing it with the same front end application to verify the changes went into effect.
These changes demonstrate the value of externalizing rules or business logic from business
applications, allowing for independent updates to rules and applications. Feel free to
modify other rules, deploy them, see them picked up by the front end application, and verify
their workings.
The End
This completes the workshop, thanks for your time and feedback is welcome!