Beginners guide

Red Hat Decision Manager Workshop
Eric D. Schabell
Portfolio Architect Director

Navigation tips - Table of contents

Each lab provided by this workshop has a table of contents. Using this table of contents and general navigation provided for your ease of use.

  • 'm' key = open / close table of contents
  • arrow keys = move forward / back through slides

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  • bottom left icon = open table of contents
  • bottom right arrow icons = move forward / back through slides

Beginners guide

Red Hat Decision Manager Workshop
This workshop will teach you how to build an online retail web shop by designing various rules, events and more. The results will be a fully functional online retail web shop using Red Hat Decision Manager to support all aspects of decision management.
Prerequisites: Java 8+, Maven 3.6+, Red Hat Decision Manager 7.11, Red Hat Decision Manager Kie Server 7.11, JBoss EAP 7.3

Lab 1 - Installation

Lab Goals: Install and login to Red Hat Decision Manager
Let's get started with lab 1

Lab 2 - Create a new project

Lab Goals: Create a new decision management project
Get started with lab 2

Lab 3 - Create a domain model

Lab Goals: Create a new domain model with the Decision Manager data modeling tooling
Get started with lab 3

Lab 4 - Create a domain specific language (DSL)

Lab Goals: Create a DSL and a guided rule based on this DSL to calculate free shipping threshold for online retail web shop
Get started with lab 4

Lab 5 - Create guided rules

Lab Goals: Create guided rules calculating shopping cart totals, shopping cart item totals, and apply promotions for online retail web shop
Get started with lab 5

Lab 6 - Create technical rules (DRL)

Lab Goals: Create a technical rule (DRL) to total up the shopping cart items for online retail web shop
Get started with lab 6

Lab 7 - Create guided decision table

Lab Goals: Create a guided decision table for shipping pricing for retail web shop
Get started with lab 7

Lab 8 - Create a rule flow

Lab Goals: Create a rule flow process for each time item added to shopping cart for retail web shop
Get started with lab 8

Lab 9 - Creating test scenarios

Lab Goals: Create test scenarios to validate our rules, events, and process for the retail web shop
Get started with lab 9

Lab 10 - Deploying the retail web shop

Lab Goals: Deploy the retail web shop frontend application and run through a demonstration of the working online retail web shop (shipping pricing example).
Get started with lab 10

The End

This completes the workshop, thanks for your time and feedback is welcome!
Eric D. Schabell
Portfolio Architect Director